
When: February 14, 2018
Where: Unipol Arena, Casalecchio di Reno, Bologna, Italy

Performers in order of appearance:

Valentine’s Day special. 🙂

Metallica was my gateway to metal and I still enjoy listening to them, though not as much as I used to. I still have Master of Puppets and Garage Days Re-Revisited on magnetic tape with no means to listen to them, and many Metallica themed t-shirts. At least these still fit. 🙂

Even though we came an hour before the first act, the ground floor was already swarming with people. Instead of having enough time to take the best position near the 360° stage, we took what was left and hoped for the best. My heart sank when Kvelertak’s gig came to an end. The sound was muffled, I couldn’t hear vocals at all, the guitarists and vocalist rarely came to our side of the stage and we couldn’t see the drummer at all, he was hidden behind Lars’s covered drum-set. Luckily, everything was remedied for the stars of the evening. The sound of the first song was still a bit off but it was great afterwards. The performers moved a whole lot better on the stage and the drum-set was repositioned couple of times, so the drummer could be seen by all. The set was great and their performance perfect.

The set-list could be better, but it was not bad either. Kudos for slightly changing the set list for each play. Most bands have exactly the same set-list for the entire tour.