Volk Metal Jacket 2018 Vol. 1

When: May 20, 2018
Where: Explosiv, Graz, Austria

Performers in order of appearance:
Mortal Strike

Mediocre performance of all bands, not bad, but not something I would like to revisit. All bands were laid back, making a lot of pauses between songs, addressing the crowd, pulling jokes. They were funny, but spoiled the overall atmosphere.

We came mostly to see Mortal Strike not knowing their key figures, singer and bassist, are leaving the group. Fortunately, the bassist was playing, but to our horror, the singer was replaced by an enthusiast whose performance was pale in contrast to the original singer and writer of the songs. The band’s show was short, had too many pauses and covers. I know it’s not easy to follow on someone else’s footsteps and who knows how much time the singer was given to prepare. I wouldn’t be disappointed so much if he wasn’t frequently showing the microphone to the crowd and sang at least one song by himself.